bon voyage 2014 and welcome 2015!

lisa kurt sketch of raccoon Here we are at the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015. I absolutely love this time of year- the opportunity to reflect on the past year and take stock of the things I did well and the things I didn't do so well on. I made a lot of mistakes in 2014 but I also had a lot of successes, I learned so so much, and honestly? I'm pretty proud of my very first year as a full time artist. It was not without some challenges and I'm still figuring things out of course but I have some really big ideas and plans already for the next year. It's a chance to begin again. I have so much to be thankful for and many many people who without them I simply would not be able to do this. It's likely that if you're reading this- you are one of those people. Thank you!! Thank you so so much for everything!

I think what tickles me the most about this year is planning, hoping, and dreaming about what the next year will hold. Resolutions may not quite be the right word to describe how I plan around this time of year- it's more a mixture of goal and intention setting. I do write all my ideas out in various forms and I brainstorm- it's a process to figure out what I really really want to do. Some things are already committed to due to some hard work I put in last year and they are lined up in the calendar; others are up to me to keep pushing to make happen and complete. I have to make some hard decisions and put some ideas aside to leave a little bit of room for some serendipity too. It may seem laborious but by doing this- it truly keeps me focused on what I want to achieve. It also helps me say no to projects that may not fit in with my ultimate goals and dreams; sometimes it breaks my heart to say no because there are so many amazing projects out there! Sometimes it's a matter of scheduling or timing and though a project might be right up my alley and exactly what I love- I may just have too many commitments. Either way- this process of clarifying makes it much easier for me to really know: what do I want to create this year?

So here I am with warm fuzzy emotions about the past year and butterflies and joy looking forward to the next. It's a lovely and exciting place to be. Do you set goals or intentions for the new year? Do you make plans for what you want your year to look like?

I hope you all create some amazing things this year. I hope you'll make some art and do those things you've always wanted to do. And I wish you a little magic too. :)

May you all have a warm and wonderful new year!

